Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My, What Big Thoughts You Have ....

The British Guardian Unlimited has a nice piece on the many and varied interpretations of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" to commemorate the opening of the kids' movie Hoodwinked on that side of the pond. Originally penned in 1697, the story has offered rich material for writers, filmmakers, graduate thesis penners, and other thinkers. Does her red cape represent menstruation? Sin? Is the wolf, well, a wolf? Or merely misunderstood? And what to make of the fact that my 1970s-era CB handle when I was a kid was "Red Riding Hood?"

There's lots to think about in this article, but perhaps its raison d'etre is this line, about the 1980s Neil Jordan film The Company of Wolves:

"A movie so Freudian that you keep expecting it to grow a beard and move to Vienna..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also thought the red cape represented the budding ego.